Yanyan Lan 「兰艳艳」
Institute for AI Industry Research (AIR)
Tsinghua University
Email: lanyanyan [at] tsinghua (dot) edu (dot) cn

Dr. Yanyan Lan is currently professor of AIR, Tsinghua University. From July 2011 to February 2021, she worked as a professor at Institute of Computing Technology, CAS. Her research fields are machine learning, natural language processing and AI for Science. She published 80 papers on major international AI and ML journals and conferences. Her paper on Topic Modeling, Learning to Rank and Neural IR won the Most Influential WWW Papers, Best Student Paper Award of SIGIR 2012 and the Best Paper RunnerUp Award of CIKM2017, respectively. She was selected as one of the Excellent Members of CAS Youth Innovation Promotion Association, Beijing Academy of Artificial Intelligence Young Scientist, and the recipient of the First Prize of Qian Weichang Chinese Information Processing Science and Technology Award. She has been invited to serve as the PC co-chair of CIKM short track, SIGIR summer school, and PC members for a dozen of top conferences including WWW/WebConf, SIGIR, NeurIPS, ICLR, ICML, IJCAI, AAAI, KDD, ACL, ICTIR, as well as associate editor of the journal of Artificial Intelligence and reviewer of IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE), ACM Transactions on Information Systems (TOIS), ACM Transactions on Web (TWEB), and etc.

We are looking for posdoc fellowship to join us. Also welcome students to intern in our lab. Please feel free to contact me if you are interested.

Research Assistants
  • Hongliang Li
  • Yinjun Jia
  • Yanwen Huang
  • Bicheng Lin
  • Yuanle Mo
  • Minghao Li
  • Minsi Ren